All Key Stage 3 English homework is recorded on HomeworkRepublic. It can never be lost, is available twenty-four hours a day and is helpful for students with organisational difficulties. Unlike most subjects, where homework is recorded in class and sent home in daybooks, students and parents click on the appropriate week’s homework pages and address the tasks detailed in the time allocated. Upon completion of a task, students should record accomplished tasks in their daybook as evidence that they have completed them. This record is important for third party audiences like tutors, Heads of Faculty or Ofsted inspectors. Parents should sign or initial this notation, including any relevant details from the session (e.g. spelling test scores). The parent should also write down the number of minutes the student spent on their English homework as a total for the week: this is to establish that the appropriate amount of time was spent on homework. Parental co-operation in the regular recording of this information is essential in order to help teachers more accurately gauge students’ current levels and progress. If a student fails to meet expectation and present evidence of their homework to their teacher that week, then it is only fair to the other students in the class that the individual receive a detention. If several weeks pass with no evidence and a succession of detentions have been issued then a letter will be sent home informing the parent of such a pattern and indication of the measures required to remedy the situation. Students who complete their homework but have no parental signature to prove it should speak to their English teacher about the problems they are experiencing. The English teacher will then make a judgement regarding the best way to proceed.