Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How Much Homework Should Be Done?

Different year groups have different amounts of time allocated to homework each week and different days upon which to execute that homework. More homework is supplied than can be accomplished by the average student in the homework time available. If you are unsure in respect to how much this should be, feel free to contact the school for specifics. Students should accomplish as many of the homework tasks as they can to a very good standard: there is no point in completing a piece of work at speed that is riddled with errors. In this way, homework is differentiated for each student. Students who can cope with more in the set time should do more, but accomplishment is based on time well spent rather than an arbitrary number of tasks: quality and not quantity. As a further aspect of differentiation, some parents may wish their children to indulge in further homework tasks to further develop their skills in English. Parents and students, therefore, have investment in a homework system established to furnish their perceived needs.