The Developing Reader reads with increasing fluency and accuracy and uses a range of strategies to construct meaning.
These readers are beginning to master the basic techniques of reading and, as a result, are developing greater fluency and accuracy. Their reading experience has provided them with a range of strategies; for example, they may use the shape of the word, the way the sentences are structured or cues regarding situation or contextual to establish the meaning of an unfamiliar word; they have an increasing range of words that they recognize on sight and they are developing the capacity to hear their errors and self-correct.
As a result of this, pupils at this stage are moving beyond the understanding of single words and are beginning to read more purposefully for meaning. They are able to engage with the literal meaning of straightforward texts, identify obvious points and make straightforward comments based on a single point of reference. They can sometimes refer to parts of a text when answering a question.
More secure developing readers have a growing range of strategies to support their reading and are able to apply them to longer and more complex texts. They are increasingly confident in their choice of the most appropriate strategy to reach understanding of new and unfamiliar vocabulary and they are tackling extended sentences, often scanning ahead to see where they end and how they are structured.
These readers are also beginning to engage with the imaginative world of the texts they encounter and take an interest in the range of information with which they are presented. They are beginning to play a more active role as a reader, asking questions, speculating and making judgements, even empathising and sympathising with characters and situations. They are able to identify some basic features of language and text organisation and also show some understanding of why a text has been written.
Developing Reader Prompts
Can you sound out that word?
What do you think that word means?
Can you use a dictionary / to identify the meaning of that word?
Which words in that section did you find difficult to pronounce?
Which words in that section did you find difficult to understand?
Which sentences / parts did you find difficult to understand?
Can you break down that long word to help you understand what it might mean?
Can you re-read the preceding words and sentences in that section to work out what that word or phrase means?
Can you use any other information / words used on the page to help you work out what that means?
What do you think the writer means when they say that?
Can you find the word / sentence that describes... ?
What do you think will happen next?
Why do you think the writer described it/he/she in that way?
Why did the character do/say that?
How do you feel about... ?
Can you describe to me the mental picture of ___________ you have in your head?
Can you use an online encyclopedia or internet search engine to give you a little more information about... ?
What do you think about __________ and can you find a word, phrase or sentence from the text to help you support your ideas?
Can you scan over the section you have just read and find me an/several examples of... ?
How does the way that was written make the text more enjoyable / interesting for you?
How would you feel if you were... ?